Bhakti Business Express

refine and gain clarity on your business ... whatever stage you're at


Here's where strategy, planning and alchemy meet.

Welcome to Bhakti Business Express. This offering is an immersive reset for your business to have you gain focus and a plan for profit. 

Whether you're at the very beginning of your business (you might not even have a website yet!) or you've been going for a while this intensive program will support you to vision into growth and clarity. 

Here's what you'll get for your $497 investment: 

✅ Access to the Bhakti Business online learning portal which maps out a strategic pathway through your business to clean up your finances, branding, profit and launch planning, tech systems, marketing and more. 

✅ Two live calls with Katie Rose to get you engaged with the program, help you tailor it to your business and keep you accountable to outcomes. Dates coming soon.

✅ Bonus copywriting zoom session with Katie Rose to help you articulate the 'Story of Your Business' (this session alone could transform the number of sales in your business). Date coming soon.


Hi there, I'm Katie Rose.

I've run yoga studios, written books (for mainstream publishers), and now built a successful online business in the world of yoga and ayurveda. I have a lot of industry experience and I want to share it with you so your business can thrive. 

This program includes three practical and action-focused live zoom sessions.  In addition to the live group sessions you'll work through the simple but powerful self-study modules on the following: 

✨ tools for evaluating your strengths and weaknesses to best leverage your business growth

branding inspiration and strategy

finances, your money mindset  and goals 

✨ planning for profit and the strategy behind launching

✨ tools to find your discipline and focus 


Whether you are a yoga teacher, spiritual entrepreneur or simply have a business idea you want to explore, this training program is for you. 

Katie Rose has over 25 years of experience running all kinds of flourishing yoga and wellness businesses. She can help you build yours, staying true to yourself on the way.

Business Training EXPRESS

with Katie Rose 

1 x Payment $497


There is a logic and process to how I’ve built my businesses.

Let me map it out for you …

It took me YEARS to define and refine my signature process in business. I’m talking years of journaling, studying, podcast listening, list writing and reflecting. Notebooks full of ideas and repeated circling around as I slowly got a grip on what my process is and how it serves my audience. Now I have this clarity it’s my joy to share it with you through these six pillars.

The pillars don’t work in any one order. You might be super disciplined (abhyasa) but lack creative vision for your branding (sundari). You might be clear on the strategy steps you need to take in order to progress (hello, my list making friends) but not so clear on why you just can’t hold onto the money you make. We’re all different and we all have varying strengths and weaknesses.

 In this self-study 'express' offering you'll work through the six pillars via a pathway I'll map out for you as we start our journey together. 

The Six Pillars of Bhakti Business 

KRAMA - sequence

Creating robust structures and processes in the back end of your business. Your offers, your systems and your platforms. 

ARTHA - money

Your business needs to make a profit. We will look at practical financial number-crunching as well as money mindset work. 

SADHANA - business rituals

Cultivating daily rituals and habits to support productivity. Creating and meeting your goals and deadlines. 

SATSANG - community

Who is your work and offerings for? How will you find your people? Ethics and thought leadership. 

ABHYASA - discipline

Focus, repetition, doing the work that needs to be done. 

SUNDARI - beauty

Your website, your brand, your socials, your vibe. The poetry and philosophy of who you are and what you do. 

Some kind words from previous Bhakti Business participants ...

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Exclusive Resources

An example of the support materials created by me specifically for this program. You get access to these in the online portal along with guidance of the best pathway for your business, so you're not wasting any time on things you've already done. 


Some examples of women I’ve worked with already and the results we had:

  1. A client with a yoga studio that was losing money. I supported her to have brave conversations with the landlord and suppliers and cut costs. I helped her get clearer in boundaries around saying ‘no’ when necessary and holding a strong space for her business (for example around yoga teachers who were repeatedly unreliable). Supporting her with the back end admin systems in her business to monetise her community based services.
  2. A client who came from a senior corporate background in strategy. She wanted to launch a mindfulness program for stressed out women in the corporate world. I helped her connect her background in strategy as a skillset she could utilise in her new work and offerings. She now has the vision for a corporate yoga agency well beyond the initial business idea she came in with. I helped her see she had unique contacts and skillsets that she could leverage in her new business.
  3. A client who came into working with me wanting to serve beauty therapists working in a spa environment. We took her initial idea of a self-care ebook and expanded it into an online program applied at the level of management through HR contacts to support employers who run spas to care for their staff.

What people are saying ...

How I see investing in Katie's Business Coaching offering is that I could have spent the exchange on someone building me a mediocre website and that was it. But instead, I invested in an accountability coach, a holistic business school, a business mentor and someone whom I could trust to give me authentic, constructive feedback who is also akin to an intuitive, oracle.  So much more bang for my buck! (I gained the confidence to do my website on my own as well - which we don't need to all do but is something I enjoy and feel better having control over). I can honestly say, hand on the heart... I would have been happy with the energy and insight I received just from the initial phone call! But it just kept getting better. I have received clarity, confidence and acceptance as a businesswoman moving forward and having Katie as a mentor and having connected with the other businesswomen in our group... is honestly priceless. So grateful for this offering. 10/10 recommend.

Lizz Pennings


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Katie helped me to get really clear on the direction of my business. Before working with her I was offering lots of things and feeling that my energy was scattered and my business didn’t have a clear focus. We got clear on my main offerings and also thought about them in a way that will help me to balance my energy and make my business sustainable over the long term. I’m so happy to be working with Katie in this way and feel really positive about the changes I’ve made in my work.

Tracey Ryan

Health Coach

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Why I do this work and what it means to me

Stepping into this work has been part of a natural evolution and flow for me. It’s grown organically, mainly because I’ve uncovered more and more that I absolutely love building successful businesses.

As a pitta type in ayurveda (fire, fire, fire) I love a new project and I love supporting others to form their vision into being. I created Bhakti Business with this in mind. The results have already been so juicy to watch and this is just the beginning.

It means a lot to me to be able to support women in financial independence, realising their dreams and growing in skill and confidence. I’ve had wonderful mentors myself and it’s a privilege to be able to support others as they step up the ladder too.

Together we rise!

About Katie

Katie Rose is a yoga teacher, ayurveda guide and author with over 25 years of experience in the world of wellness. She holds accreditation with both Yoga Alliance and Yoga Australia as a registered experienced yoga teacher and teacher trainer with many thousands of teaching hours under her belt. She is a doula and teacher for the Australian Doula College.

Katie was the manager of the prestigious TriYoga centre in London before moving to Sydney and opening Samadhi Yoga in 2004 followed by Jivamukti Yoga Sydney which at its peak was a four-studio business and is still a thriving community today.

Her popular online courses have helped hundreds of women from all over the world in empower themselves. Much of Katie’s work focuses on the Australian seasons, landscape and Indigenous culture and she has a keen passion for respecting First Nation’s wisdom as well as animal rights and the environment. Katie has spent many years studying in India, the UK, America and Australia. She has had the honour and blessing of learning with some of the best yoga and ayurveda teachers in the world from some of the strongest, most authentic lineages.

She is the founder and host of the annual Bhakti Women Online Yoga Summit and the author of several internationally available books including ‘Mindful Living’ (Rockpool Publishing) and ‘The Yoga of Birth’ as well as an upcoming title with Affirm Press due for release in early 2024. 

Katie helps women go from feeling stuck and overwhelmed to living a life that is vibrant, creative and abundant. She lives in Sydney, Australia with her partner and her five children in a loud and busy household where her meditation practice keeps her sane! 

Business Training EXPRESS

with Katie Rose 

1 x Payment $497